
Everything will change again.. 
Helloo.. this is Delvi 

I've always promoted this blog from my other platforms, so, hi everyone. 
Well, it's already February 2024. I feel amazed at myself still being here, again and again. I am so grateful because many people around me stay with me and, of course, give me the courage to grow and make changes every second, minutes, day, month and even year. 

In my last year, I already told you about moving from my comfort zone, right? I moved from Bogor to Tangerang with no background as a Forwarder, becoming a Sales Executive. I've been learning everything about product knowledge itself and communication with others. Lucky me, on October 23, my boss trusted me to become a Leader or Sales Supervisor. adding a new job description, leading my team of 9 salespersons from beginners to experts. I know I don't gave the basics of being a leader or leading a team; I always become a follower or assistant. But it was fun and challenging at the same time. Leading new sales from scratch, they didn't have any information about a forwarder, so I needed to provide training for pricing, networking, etc., related to sales and marketing. But also, my general supervisor helped me well with this. 

I love them, I love my team because I feel like they really entrust their uncertainties to me. Every problem they face, I also think about it and how to solve it. It also makes me learn day by day. I take positions in meetings with their customers, leading sales team, and its good. I feel so grateful and proud of myself. 

But, I know its not forever. I am also searching for a realistic need. I will be leaving my previous company at least by end of February. you know, I was crying when my team surprised me on my birthday, and I was thinking about leaving them. I feel so sorry for them because I haven't been a good leader for them. I am sorry for leaving them and putting myself as a priority. I was thinking about how I need to start in a new environment again, even though not from zero.

Today, I will put everything in my head here and leave it because it has always been my feer until now. I hope I can do better for myself, my family and of course for the people around me who have supported me with courage. 

Dear.. My Sales team

Dessy, Riana, Nia, Amel, Rifqi, Ben, Arul, Fatimah, Valent and new bie Diva. Good luck for you guys. maybe you don't read my blog here, but that's okay I hope you're becoming a good sales for future! and Kak Yanti, sorry for moving over again this job to you.. you are good leader for me and make me learned everything about leading people. Will miss you!!


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