Lost in Translation seems like One-sided relationship?

I thought that after everything we've been through, being in a relationship with you would be easier. we've already experienced what it's like to fail in the past, and that should've been a lesson for us. but, it turns out, everything is still difficult for me. 

I feel like I'm the only one who likes you too much. I'm the only one who always wants to spend more time with you. I'm the only one who's been trying to lower my ego and understand you as much as I can. But you, on the other hand, never tell me anything. you still let me get lost in my own thoughts. guessing what's really going on. 

I just want to tell you that if you're still too caught up in your own world and not ready for someone to be a part of it-even if that someone is me-then you should've never pulled me in from the start. dont give me hope if in the end, you're not ready to share your world and time with someone. 

it feels like saying "try to understand me" is pointless now because I already understand everything. I understand that maybe you'll never truly open up, and maybe I have to accept that. but you should know, I can't keep guessing. I can't keep feeling like this, as if I'm waling alone in this relationship. 

I hope that in the future, you'll be more honest with yourself and with others. because honestly, I just want us to understand each other and together not be separated by our own thougt. 


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